Welcome to

Mill Creek Evangelical Presbyterian Church

All are invited to worship with us at 9:30 every Sunday morning
via phone, livestream, or in person.

Click here to tune in to live-stream of the service.
To access the most recent worship service, go to our Sermons page.

We welcome you to worship with us every Sunday morning at 9:30, followed by Sunday School at 11:00. Worship at Mill Creek is focused on Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God, and on the Bible, the written Word of God. It is made up of a blend of traditional forms of worship along with more casual and contemporary expressions. The dress is casual and comfortable. Children are a welcome part of our worship, but we also have a nice cry room and nursery area just off the sanctuary.

After worship, we gather for a time of fellowship over refreshments in the fellowship hall, and then we disperse to Sunday School classes, which are held for all ages (including adults). We hope to see you soon!


Fill a bag, fill a heart

The deacons are seeking volunteers to fill tote bags for Choices Pregnancy Services. These bags will be filled with comfort items for mothers who are making a decision to choose life for their babies. Suggested items include lotion, body wash, chapstick, a journal or devotional, and any other encouraging items, as well as $5 gift card for Starbucks or Panera. We would need the filled bags returned by Sunday, May 12th. Please see a deacon for a tote bag to fill if you are interested. Let’s encourage and bless these mothers with something special and let them know they are loved.

Food pantry

The deacons are in need of the following items for the food pantry: tuna fish, canned fruit, canned chicken, peanut butter and jelly.