Volunteers Need Clearances
Any adult involved in children’s ministries or duties which require the supervisory responsibility of children, which includes, but is not limited to:
• Pastor – as supervisor of all ministries
• Youth Group Leaders
• Kids’ Bible Club – all involved
• Vacation Bible School – all involved (NOTE: registration and snack providers may not need clearances if duties do not require responsibility for children)
• Sunday School – sing-along leaders, teachers and subs of children’s classes (nursery thru high school)
• Nursery staff – during worship, Sunday school, etc.
• Lenten Study children’s time
• Bell Choir director and ringers
• Children’s Choir director
• Activity during worship – removing children from sanctuary, such as communion classes or jr. church
• Advent program leader – when children are involved in practices
• Any newly designed children’s program involving kids under 18
NOTE: Visitors may not have responsibility of children unless they provide originals of the required clearance documents. They may present information in a group setting with other adults taking responsibility for children attending.
No Clearances Needed
Those whose duties do not involve working directly with children will not need clearances, such as, but not limited to:
• Church secretary
• Church custodians
• Worship leaders, including musicians – except nursery staff who must have clearances
• Teens under 18 – once they reach their 18th birthday, clearances are required for children’s ministries volunteers
• Teachers/leaders of adults – in Sunday school or Bible study groups
• Attendees of corporate worship or other church activity who are not working directly with or responsible for children
NOTE: Children are those under the age of 18, adults are those aged 18 and over. When teens reach the age of 18, or if adults become involved in the ministry of the church without the required clearances, they may not participate in ministries involving children until their clearances are on file. They are encouraged to participate in any non-child-related ministries during that time.
[If a member or regular attender chooses not to acquire the needed clearances, he/she must limit their participation to non-child-related ministries.]