Missions Inside and Outside the Church
Mill Creek takes the call of Christ to “go into all the world” seriously. On a local level, we are actively involved with the Ladle (serving meals to people in Ambridge twice a year), Choices Pregnancy Center, Uncommon Grounds Cafe, and at South Side School (our next door neighbors). In addition, our deacons provide meal baskets and assistance to needy families in our community. We also give financial support to a number of missionaries and mission agencies throughout the world.
Kids Bible Club
The ministry of the Outreach Committee of Mill Creek Church’s goal is to serve the South Side Elementary students. Our prayer for each student is that they would learn more about God and how a relationship with Him affects our daily lives. There is much support in our community for spiritual growth, we know this by the many volunteers and pastors who participate in this program.
The program begins when students are walked over from the school at about 3PM. A snack/sharing time with the adult leader of each grade, K-5th is held until 3:40 when all of the children gather in the sanctuary for a time of singing, introduction to the day’s memory verse and focus of the day, a puppet dialogue, and a teaching. Groups then participate in 20 minute activities that include Bible Memory, Bible Quiz, and Bible Mission/Craft. Children are excused to their parents at 5PM. On the last day we meet, we will have an informal meal, and a short program for parents and friends, then dessert and the Bible Bucks Store is open.
This program has operated in Mill Creek Church for many years, it began as “Good News Club”. The program has been not only an outreach to the children of our community but an outreach to the world – through our offerings. In the past, our program was responsible for the giving of farm animals through World Vision, City Rescue Mission, Caring Hearts Ministry, missionaries in Indonesia, gifts of greeting cards, Comfort Pillows, and Caring Bags to local groups and organizations.
This program needs your help! It takes volunteers with clearances who come to: (1) plan, purchase, and prepare the snack; (2) walk the kids from the school to the church; (3) adult leaders and a helper for each grade level who stay with the kids for each activity; (4) song leader, puppeteer, pastor, program writer, and computer programmer for the opening; (5) activity leaders for Games, Quiz, and Mission/Craft.
It also takes lots of prayer and action, along with donations of food, money, and items for the Bible Bucks Store. If you are able to participate in any way, please see Barb Rupert: 724 573-4569.
Sunday School
After Fellowship, at approximately 11:00 AM, we have Sunday School for all ages, including adults.
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS has begun a study on forgiveness. It is based on Lysa Terkeurst’s book “Forgiving What You Can’t Forget”. If interested, join us in classroom 1 upstairs during Sunday school. All are welcome even if just for one or two Sundays.
Community VBS
Stay tuned for more information.
Kingdom Week
Stay tuned for more information.
Local Missions
Worldwide Missions
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Brazil
Alan Vogel serves with Wycliffe, translating the Bible for the Jarawara Indian tribe in Brazil.
EPC Missionaries
Rev. Paul & Elizabeth Branch (Guatemala); Nick and Amanda (Sensitive Area); Patricia Premick
Backpack Blessings
Mill Creek is partnering with South Side Elementary School in a program that will provide food to needy students for the weekends when they cannot obtain school meals. We will provide backpacks to the school on Friday and the school will distribute them to needy students. The backpack will be returned to the school on Monday and returned to us to fill again. This program runs for the entire school year.
Food items should be single serving and easy to prepare. Canned food items should have pop-tops as these are easier to open. Items can be brought to the “old kitchen” at the church to be assembled and will be delivered to the school on Fridays.
This program is modeled after a national program, although we are doing it independently. Suggested items to include:
Breakfast Bars
Instant Oatmeal
Cereal Bowls (single serving)
Granola Bars
Fruit & Grain Bars
Canned Meats
Ravioli-type Products
Slim Jim’s
Dried Mashed Potatoes
Rice Ready-to-Serve
Canned Beans
Ramen Noodles
Non-Peanut Spread
Healthy Snacks
Canned Fruit
Baked Crackers
Dried Fruit
Crackers with Cheese
100% Juice
100% Juice Snacks
Reading Buddies
We are providing personal readers of children’s books for kindergarten and first grade classes once a month to help instill a love of reading and stories in children at South Side Elementary School. No great skills are needed – just a love of reading and children. For more information, contact the pastor.